Fostering Mutual Support

Support for physicians, by physicians 

As the healthcare workforce continues to dwindle and burnout rates increase, it has never been more important for physicians to properly care for their mental, emotional, and physical health. It is why Dr. Stephanie Costa, alongside Columbus Medical Association set out on a mission to help create a peer support program. What started as physician ideas to help their peers, blossomed into a program to improve overall physician well-being.

“Frequently the best person to reach out to for support is another physician because they've gone through the same type of training, they have the same type of responsibility, and most likely they've been in a tough situation as well,” stated Stephanie Costa, MD, Doc to Doc Director. 

Mid 2023, The Columbus Medical Association (CMA), in partnership with Ohio Professionals Health Program (OhioPHP) launched Doc to Doc. The free and confidential peer support program is designed to provide access to an empathetic network of physician peers who have been professionally trained to support colleagues in need. The goal is to ensure Central Ohio physicians feel emotional and psychological support from those who have walked in their shoes.  

Stephanie Costa, MD

“Somebody who does what you (physicians) do has the greatest ability to help you grow your resilience.” Dr. Daniel Eiferman explained. 

Dr. Eiferman, also involved in the implementation of Doc to Doc, shared his story in hopes of encouraging physician peers to take advantage of the program. The surgeon believes it is so important to ensure Central Ohio physicians have the tools to properly care for their physical, but also mental well-being. Read his story here. 

Over a dozen Central Ohio physicians took charge to become peer supporters. Each of them received training from leading national leading expert – Dr. Jo Shapiro of Harvard University. The training took place over several hours for peer supporters to understand the type of guidance potential clients would need and they continue to receive updated training each year. 

Doc to Doc, a confidential support program, has been in action for about one year and has been used by several central Ohio physicians in need. As Columbus Medical Association continues to receive physician feedback on the program, it will be updated as needed. 

All participation in the Doc to Doc Peer Support program is confidential, free, and completely voluntary. We encourage all Central Ohio health systems to share this new resource with their physicians. 

Dr. Danny Eiferman on Peer Support

Navigating the Emotional Depths of Medicine

Personalization, Pervasiveness, Permanence

Supporting your Peers

Good Health by the Numbers

2500+ practicing, resident and retired physician members

13 physician peer supporters, trained by the leading national expert – Dr. Jo Shapiro of Harvard University

Supported more than 350 Central Ohio practice managers

Hosted 20+ educational and networking events for both members and non-members

Looking ahead

Women in Medicine

Continue to support women physicians with monthly events that reflect their lives and goals, while encouraging leadership and career development that’s harmonious with life balance.


Once per quarter, CMA hosts an Advocacy Community meeting that is open for any CMA member (or guest physician) who is interested in learning and discussing legislative policy and political issues that impact patients and the practice of medicine. 


CMA’s annual Fall Emerging Trends in Healthcare Program and September Social Event are the most well-attended gatherings of the year! CMA works tirelessly to ensure each event is tailored towards past, present, and future physicians. More details regarding 2024 events coming soon!

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Become a member and join physicians and other experts improve the health of caregivers, patients, and communities.