Transforming Physicians' Lives

Finding community through the Physicians Leadership Academy

Physicians, often revered as pillars of their communities, are not immune to the challenges and complexities of modern healthcare. Amidst the demands of their profession, the noble purpose that once fueled their journey can become obscured. However, the Physicians Leadership Academy (PLA) has emerged as a program of reconnection, reigniting the passion and purpose within PLA graduates like Dr. Matthew Skomorowski, Dr. Ann Sage, and Dr. Lynsie Bane.

For Dr. Matthew Skomorowski, internal medicine was more than a profession; it was a calling. As the intricacies of modern medicine took precedence, he wanted to get more out of his career as a physician. It is part of the reason he took the next step to be a part of the second ever Physicians Leadership Academy class.

“One of the things that I think is interesting is a lot of us, regardless of our specialty, are facing the same challenges.” Skomorowaki mentioned. “So, bringing people together in the same room to discuss those challenges and approaches to them is a really innovative idea.”

Dr. Skomorowski says the PLA acted as a catalyst, reintroducing him to the intrinsic motivations that guided his career. Through the program, he found himself re-energized, equipped with tools to stay connected to his higher purpose and lead initiatives within his organization.

Phil Cass, PhD | President of PLA

Similarly, Dr. Ann Sage, an osteopathic physician, found solace in the PLA's emphasis on holistic leadership. Guided by mentors and physicians in the program, she discovered a sanctuary where mind, body, and spirit converged. Dr. Sage credits PLA President, Dr. Phil Cass’ introductory seminar as a crucial reason she decided to join the revolutionary program.

“When you meet Phil, his calm demeanor is just something that I think I was looking for in my life as a mom of two, married to another physician.” Dr. Sage explained.

The osteopathic physician says the program's focus on mindfulness and self-reflection not only enriched her professional endeavors but also permeated into her personal life, transforming her approach to motherhood and leadership.

“The academy allowed me to truly reflect on the leader that I wanted to be.” Dr. Sage said. "I'm still growing in that space; I grow every day in that space and will grow forever.”

Recent graduate Lynsie Bane, a family medicine practitioner, sought similar goals as Dr. Skomorowski and Dr. Sage. She wanted more than just professional development; she craved connection. As a new resident of Columbus, she was seeking more ways to get involved in the community and PLA sounded like the perfect answer. Introduced to the academy through her organization, Dr. Bane seized the opportunity to bridge the gap between medical networks and cultivate a sense of community in her workplace.

“That to me was the biggest draw that there would be physicians from COPC, OhioHealth, Ohio State, Mount Carmel, all coming together for a bigger purpose.” Dr. Bane explained.

Through retreats and group sessions, she found herself immersed in an environment where physicians from diverse backgrounds converged, sharing challenges, insights, and aspirations. For Dr. Lynsie Bane, the experience was a revelation and an opportunity to draw wisdom from peers and mentors alike.

Stephanie Costa, MD | Director of PLA

Through these personal testimonials, it is clear the impact of the PLA transcended the confines of the medical realm, permeating into the personal lives of its participants. Dr. Ann Sage found herself equipped with newfound patience and understanding, transforming her role as a mother. Dr. Lynsie Bane, empowered by the program's emphasis on work-life balance, implemented self-care practices that revitalized her daily routine.

To physicians contemplating joining the PLA, the message resounds clearly - seize the opportunity. Dr. Matthew Skomorowski urges aspiring participants to embrace the program's potential for lifelong learning and growth. Their collective sentiment echoes a resounding endorsement—the PLA is not just a program; it is a transformative journey that all physicians deserve to experience.

The impact of the Physician Leadership Academy reverberates far beyond the confines of healthcare institutions. It is a testament to the resilience and dedication of physicians who, amidst the chaos of the healthcare system, seek refuge in community, purpose, and self-discovery. Through the PLA, physicians like Matthew Skomorowski, Ann Sage, and Lynsie Bane have not only reignited their passion for healing but have emerged as models of inspiration, guiding others on their path to leadership and fulfillment.

Hear from Alumni

Lynsie Bane, MD

Matt Skomorowski, MD

Ann Sage, DO

Good Health by the Numbers

Physicians Leadership Academy (PLA) has successfully graduated more than 150 Central Ohio physicians.

PLA has spent the last 10 years connecting physicians to their higher purpose.

Hosted 3 alumni events with 7 more in the pipeline.

22 physicians are currently on their leadership journey through the Physicians Leadership Academy.

Looking Ahead

Increase Digital Prescence

PLA will become more active in the social media world by crafting messages to alumni, graduates, and potential students through Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and a website revamp. This will allow current, future, and past classes to stay connected.

Physician Well-being

Through retreats and group sessions, PLA will continue empowering physicians through their journey to mental and physical well-being. PLA leaders will grow their efforts in ensuring students have access to a comprehensive curriculum, personalized coaching, and a vibrant community which makes PLA a cornerstone of physician development.

Alumni Network

PLA leaders are working to strengthen its alumni community through events, cohort group chats, and more. The implementation of additional initiatives throughout the year is aimed at fostering closer connections among PLA graduates.

Support Good Health

Contribute to PLA and help provide mindful leadership training to improve the lives of physicians, their patients, and the community